A Word From Our Director

Although ONTHEREDBOX began as an open-air evangelism ministry, our effectiveness in evangelism lies in the power of the MESSAGE and not in our great communication skills or creative methodology.
God uses the message of the cross with or without a red box!
Our greatest desire is to see the church active in sharing the message of the cross using whatever method God has given them.
How did ONTHEREDBOX start?
The ministry of ONTHEREDBOX began in October 2002 in Madrid, Spain. In 2017 the ministry purchased offices on the fifth floor of a building in Puerta del Sol, 4, Madrid, Spain, to house the prayer and evangelism training center.

In 2002, Jacob Bock and a friend began passing out tracts in one of the main plazas of Madrid, the Puerta del Sol. Soon believers from various evangelical churches learned about the evangelism effort and decided to participate. One day the box that contained the tracts was turned over to become a temporary platform. Jacob stood on the box and preached to the people using objects and stories from everyday life to illustrate the gospel.
Today the ONTHEREDBOX team members preach, give testimonies, sing, and talk personally with the listeners in the street six days a week throughout the year. Christians from many evangelical churches in the Madrid area participate in the evangelism ministry. The people that are ministered to in the plaza are encouraged to become involved in a local church.
As more believers came to learn how to be more effective in evangelism, ONTHEREDBOX began monthly workshops, a local Basic Training evangelism program, and a free online school. Many ONTHEREDBOX teams have been raised up throughout Spain, Europe, and Latin America that proclaim the gospel in their streets and plazas each week.
In 2017 God provided the funds to purchase the ONTHEREDBOX ministry center located on the Puerta del Sol as a permanent place dedicated to prayer, evangelism, and training.
Prayer Room
Tuesday to Thursday 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Evangelism and Prayer go together. At ONTHEREDBOX, we have created a space dedicated exclusively for prayer. The Prayer Room is set apart for worship, intercession, and meditation on the Word of God. There are organized sessions with live worship that focus on intercession and praying the Word. Other times you will find a quiet atmosphere where you can seek the Lord on your own.
Get Weekly Inspiration for PrayerDaily Evangelism
Tuesday to Thursday 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Evangelism at Puerta del Sol includes music, illustrated preaching, testimonies and personal evangelism.
Evangelizers need to be signed up for our Basic Training program to participate in Ontheredbox evangelism, but we encourage believers to accompany us on the streets to see what God is doing.